Students often don't even realise it, but the Regina Coelilanguage school applies the six "brain principles"as much as possible when they design their language training courses. These principles were pioneered by Gerjanne Dirksen, founder of BreinCentraal Learning Institute (BCL Instituut). By applying these six brain principles, Regina Coeli helps your brain to function optimally when learning a new language.
Find the language course for you!
With 10 different languages on offer and various types of courses available, takinga moment to explore theRegina Coeli website to see which course suits you could prove extremely valuable.
The six brain principles of language learning
Learning a language is challenging, but it needn't be a struggle. By designing their courses around the followingsix brain principles, Regina Coeli gives their students the best possible foundation from which to learn a new language successfully.
Principle one: Focus
By setting your learning goals, you determine your own focus. This means that you can work towards your goal in a focused manner instead of taking all sorts of side steps. You do this in partnership with your trainers, who use their expertise to help you set realistic and attainable goals.
The language institute is a tranquil environment, and distractions are kept to a minimum so that you can focus on learning the language. There is also plenty of fresh food and beverages provided, as well as space to go outside for a breath of fresh air - after all, hunger, thirst and too little fresh air drain your brain!
Principle two: Build upon
When students start their training at Regina Coeli, they almost never start from scratch. People have usually tried to learn independently, or taken a few lessons before embarking on this more in-depth course.The language trainers build upon your existing knowledge from the very first lesson.
The lessons do not address things you already know nor things you would logically be familiar with, because they are the same as in a language you already speak. They are just pointed out to you, which isnice and efficient! The lessons also take on a logical pattern: where one language trainer ends, the next continues.
Principle three: Repeat
Repetition is extremely important, but it doesn't have to be mind-numbing! New subject matter gets practised in a range of ways in your lessons, and then you take it a step further by doing an e-learning or independent study assignment.
Many vocabulary exercises are structured so that you see a word several times in different contexts. The lessons also incorporate enough variety into the programme to give your brain the rest it needs, including breaks between lessons.
Principle four: Use all your senses
Learning a language at Regina Coeli is much more than just memorising words. You are encouraged to use all your senses to maximise your exposure to the language. You actively engage with the material during your lessons and study hours - you write, talk, listen, take walks andstudy in the garden.
Then there are the language tables, where you speak the language you are learning over a meal. As many modes of interaction as possible are incorporated into your day. Moreover, you receive your trainer’s undivided attention in your lessons.
Principle five: Emotion
While you will not find yourself on an emotional roller-coaster at Regina Coeli, there is no denying that the training can be intense at times, even emotionally. For instance, it's possible that you may experience a little stress because you only have a short time to complete an assignment. Fortunately, the trainers give you targeted compliments alongside your most important points for improvement while they maintain momentum. Each lesson builds upon the previous ones so that at the end of the day, you have always taken a step forward.
At Regina Coeli, you can share what is on your mind if you feel the need to - after all, everyone is in the same boat. There is plenty of human contact during your training: at the language tables, with the trainers, with fellow participants and with other Regina Coeli employees. And if you would prefer to go for a stroll by yourself to unwind, that is also an option, of course!
Principle six: Creation
Creating something during a language course - how does that work? Well, you will not be painting any masterpieces, but by doing all sorts of assignments that suit you, such as making a word web or role-playing, you will be engaged in creation.
You can see here how Brazilian Silva Ramos has benefited and enjoyed her Regina CoeliDutch language course:
Take the next step in your language journey
If you are looking to move forward in your language learning, Regina Coeli might be just what you are looking for. With expert trainers, personalised lessons and intensive immersion in your language of choice, improvement can be achieved rapidly. Register for a course today, or if you want to know more, feel free to ask Regina Coeli a question directly.